
Export of Fruit Juice

Today, the 100% natural fruit juice production sector is booming. The number of organic fruit juice producers is increasing considerably, thus increasing supply. On the other hand, demand remains timid. This low rate of demand is due after studies to poor distribution of fruit juices and a lack of communication on products. Demand must therefore be stimulated by addressing these two essential aspects of marketing. SRA-AFRIQUE has decided to work on the distribution component with the aim of ensuring an efficient distribution of organic fruit juices produced in Benin and the West African sub-region.


Partnership with SRA-AFRIQUE

The Agency-Africa Representation (SRA-AFRICA) is a company registered in the Benin Register of Trade and Furniture Credit (RCCM) in 2013 under the number RB/COT/15-B12915. Specializing in the distribution of agri-food products, especially organic fruit juices, it aims on the one hand to facilitate the marketing of organic fruit juices produced by producers and on the other hand to satisfy consumers. wishing to consume 100% natural fruit juices.

Vision: To be a reference company capable of supporting the needs of agri-food production units and breweries in the marketing of their products.

Mission: To establish an adequate and efficient distribution system for the worldwide distribution of 100% natural fruit juices produced in Benin and the West African sub-region.

Goals: The objectives assigned to this agency are to

  • Make more known the 100% natural fruit juices produced in Benin and the sub-region;
  • Position our organic fruit juices as a high quality, healthy product;

Sell at least 10 million bottles of organic fruit juice per year both nationally and internationally

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